
2018年8月17日—預設的df輸出會以KB為單位顯示磁碟用量,但是現在的硬碟容量都很大,這樣的輸出通常不好閱讀。若加上 ...,2020年4月13日—LearnhowtocheckdiskspaceinLinuxusingthedfandducommand,includingavailablediskspace,useddiskspaceandtotaldiskspace.,5ToolsforMonitoringDiskActivityinLinux·iostat·iotop·dstat·atop·ioping·ClosingNotes.,2023年3月31日—ExplainsLinuxcommandtocheckdiskspacetofinddiskspaceusage,...

Linux 檢查硬碟使用量df 指令教學與指令稿範例

2018年8月17日 — 預設的 df 輸出會以KB 為單位顯示磁碟用量,但是現在的硬碟容量都很大,這樣的輸出通常不好閱讀。 若加上 ...

How to Check Disk Space in Linux df and du Commands}

2020年4月13日 — Learn how to check disk space in Linux using the df and du command, including available disk space, used disk space and total disk space.

5 Tools for Monitoring Disk Activity in Linux

5 Tools for Monitoring Disk Activity in Linux · iostat · iotop · dstat · atop · ioping · Closing Notes.

Linux Check Disk Space Command To View Disk Usage

2023年3月31日 — Explains Linux command to check disk space to find disk space usage, estimate file space usage and more using the df, du and other CLI.

How to Find Disk Usage of Files and Directories in Linux

2023年8月14日 — The Linux 'du' (Disk Usage) is a standard Unix/Linux command used to check the disk usage information of files and directories on a machine.

5 Linux commands to check free disk space

5 Linux commands to check free disk space · Linux df command · Linux du command · Linux ls -al command · Linux stat command · Linux fdisk -l command · Check ...

Classic SysAdmin

2022年1月7日 — The df command is the tool I first used to discover drive space on Linux, way back in the 1990s. It's very simple in both usage and reporting.

Check disk usage in Linux

2022年7月7日 — The easiest way to examine what's left for storage on your disk drive is the du command. This command line utility estimates file space usage.

How To Check Disk Usage in Linux

2022年4月30日 — A simple approach to check all disk usage on a system is to simply issue the df command from the home directory in a terminal window.